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At GROUPE ATLANTIC, we believe that we can all have good ideas ! Thus, « All innovators » is a support system that offers each employee, no matter their business field, the opportunity to propose an idea and put it into motion.


So that everyone can benefit from the best possible conditions, facilitators provide guidance to innovators throughout their projects (methodology, networking, coaching, etc.). Tools are available to them in our Fab Labs as well (3D printers, laser cutting technology, programmable electronic cards, software for mobile apps, etc.). Having been established across several Group pilot sites, the intention is to gradually expand the system.


“ My idea involved a new design for radiators. Going from the idea to the finished, functional product was a great source of satisfaction for me. And the actual implementation of the prototype at the Fab Labs allowed me to acquire new skills.“

Nicolas Cornu, Innovator from La Roche-sur-Yon site, in France


“ Nicolas demonstrated his perseverance and his energy in seeing his project through to the end. And it’s a real source of pride for me to have such an innovative employee on my team! You have to get yourself organised and rearrange schedules a little, but it’s all definitely worth it.”

François Mille, Nicolas’s Manager


So, don't keep your ideas to yourself, dare to realize them!

Since 2015 “All innovators” has supported more than 70 employees.

Innovations from the all innovators policy :

  • The musical towel dryer
  • Spare parts order tracking by sms
  • Integration of
  • Usb ports into certain products
  • A quick-mount system for water heaters (easyfix)