The Group has embarked on a journey of Responsible Group Purchasing Policy for several years. The pillars of this approach are based on the following elements:

- Involvement of the Purchasing Management: supplier risk management, compliance with regulatory requirements, and innovation.

- Stringent vendor qualification process for all component and raw material suppliers in Europe and beyond.

- Inclusion of clauses in purchasing contracts concerning working conditions and compliance with regulations.

- Research and innovation with supplier partners: development of product innovation projects in collaboration with suppliers.

- Purchasing Best Practices Guide: rules and operational and decision-making recommendations imposed on all Group buyers.

"Our Group purchasing policy incorporates sustainable development criteria, notably by considering environmental and social criteria in audit standards, approval processes, and framework agreements signed with our suppliers."

Frederic POUX, Director of Purchasing and Supply Chain - Group

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At the Group level, the supply chain constitutes a significant portion of our carbon emissions.

Every year, it involves:

  • 12,000 containers shipped (*40’HC containers)
  • 350,000 square meters of storage utilized
  • 35,000 trucks chartered to deliver our customers, in France alone!

We are taking action today to ensure that our entire supply chain (transportation, storage, etc.) is aligned with tomorrow's environmental challenges:

"For the first time in 2024, we have integrated environmental criteria into our tendering processes, including requiring compliance with Euro IV standards for carriers and increasing the share of decarbonized trucks, namely those using liquefied natural gas (LNG) or alternative fuels. These new criteria will be incorporated into all future tendering processes."

Olivier Bouleux, Director of Logistics Operations - Group

  • We explore all avenues to reduce the environmental footprint of our supply chain, especially in transportation, which represents the third-largest source of emissions in our Carbon Footprint.

    For example, in 2023 - for the first time - we chose river transport over road transport to deliver 30 containers from the port of Antwerp (Belgium) to our logistics platform (Simastock) in Dourges (France). Indeed, transportation by boat can emit 3 to 5 times less CO2 than an identical journey by truck.

    This operation, implemented with our logistics partner Clasquin, resulted in 54% fewer CO2 emissions than if the journey had been made by road!

    Since then, the initiative has expanded, and our efforts have been recognized. Our Group received the "Green Shipper" trophy at the International Transport and Logistics Exhibition (SITL) in Paris in March 2024. This trophy, awarded by the organization MedLink, recognizes companies that have made the most progress in using river transport.

    Our teams near Lyon organized the transport of 358 20-foot containers by river in 2023 on the Fos - Lyon route (325 km), doubling the volume compared to 2022! This initiative allowed us to save 100,293 kg of CO2 compared to road transport, a real source of satisfaction and pride for our teams.

  • Extra-Financial Performance Statement, charters, labels... Discover our CSR documents!