To strengthen the management of carbon emissions from our activities, a Carbon Assessment Committee was established in 2022 with the General Management. In order to be comprehensive about emission sources, the scope of the study covered the 3 scopes of the Carbon Assessment method (ADEME), across all activities operated and non-operated by the Group.

Our industrial and commercial sites are undertaking strong initiatives to reduce their energy consumption. Here are a few recent examples:

  • Building heating: Decrease in building setpoint temperatures and reduction of heating periods.
  • Industrial processes: Reduction of energy consumption related to the use of ovens for the enameling process of water heater tanks, resulting in several megawatt-hours monthly reduction in consumption at our Saint-Louis industrial site.
  • Equipment: Replacement of existing lighting with LED lighting and introduction of new variable-speed compressors at multiple sites.
  • Real estate: Selection of buildings meeting High Environmental Quality (HQE) criteria for new office locations (Paris, Orléans, Barcelona...).
  • My impact - Hull site - UK

  • My impact - Seneffe site - Belgium

  • My impact - Izmir site - Turkey

  • My impact - Meyzieu site - France

  • In 2023, the regulatory energy audits of most French industrial sites have been updated or are in the process of being updated. In addition, certain tertiary sites of GROUPE ATLANTIC are subject to the tertiary eco-efficiency scheme, which requires them to reduce energy consumption by up to -60% by 2050 compared to a reference year measurement.

    Regarding water resource preservation, we are continuously researching production techniques to reduce water consumption, and we optimize the quality of discharged production water. For example, our towel dryer production site in Izmir now uses wastewater for the production of one of its product lines, as well as spray nozzles to clean the products. This new process has led to saving up to 5m3 of water per day at the site.

  • Our gas, electricity and water consumption decreased between 2022 and 2023.

    In 2023, our water consumption is 188,889 m³ (compared with 193,000 m³ in 2022). Our gas consumption is 108,398 MWH (compared with 123 MWH in 2022). And our electricity consumption is 60,264 MWH (compared with 66 MWH in 2022).

  • Extra-Financial Performance Statement, charters, labels... Discover our CSR documents!