Through its endowment fund "Chaleur Partagée," GROUPE ATLANTIC aims to contribute to society through philanthropic actions, whether through in-kind or financial donations. Chaleur Partagée supports projects to combat energy precarity in France around three main axes:

  • Assistance in social integration through access to housing.
  • Assistance in reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Assistance in professional integration through support, education, and training in the field of climate engineering.

In 2023, our endowment fund supported numerous projects with donations valued at 170K€.

We currently collaborate with 10 accredited associations.


  • In France, since 2024, Chaleur Partagée has been a member of "STOP Exclusion Énergétique"*.

    It's a collective of 60 organizations - public and private - working in the fields of solidarity, territories, ecology, economy and research, all involved in the fight against fuel poverty in France : 

    ' To change the scale of the fight against fuel poverty, we need to work together in alliances that bring together NGOs, public and private organizations. Stop Exclusion Énergétique is delighted to welcome GROUPE ATLANTIC. We need industrialists to take massive actions! '.

    Gilles BERHAULT - General Delegate of "Stop Exclusion Énergétique"

    *In English: "Stop Energy Exclusion"

Mécénat de compétences : GA et Habitat & Humanisme

Le mécénat de compétences est un pilier stratégique de notre Fonds « Chaleur Partagée ». Un exemple illustratif de cet engagement est une rénovation menée en collaboration avec Habitat et Humanisme à Orléans, où nos collaborateurs ont mis leur savoir-faire au service de cette initiative solidaire.

Durant ce projet, nos équipes ont installé 13 radiateurs et 4 sèche-serviettes des marques Atlantic et Sauter dans 4 appartements, contribuant ainsi à améliorer de manière tangible le confort des résidents, de la sélection des équipements à leur installation.

Cette action a non seulement amélioré les conditions de vie des bénéficiaires, mais a aussi offert une expérience enrichissante à nos collaborateurs.

  • The Lazare association offers shared accommodation for young working people and people who have lived on the streets, to promote inclusive living and facilitate their social reintegration.

    The association recently inaugurated the extension of their shared flat in Lille. On this project, Chaleur Partagée offered technical support to help the association determine which of our solutions would be most appropriate.

    We also donated 5 Atlantic heat pumps and 10 Thermor towel dryers.

    Today, 250 people are housed in the 11 Lazare homes in France. 

    This is the second time that Chaleur Partagée has supported a project by the association, which plans to inaugurate 4 new houses in 2024 to further expand its range of inclusive housing.

  • For the summer of 2024, our Endowment Fund helped renovate a large vacation villa for Secours Catholique - Caritas France in Pornichet, Loire Atlantique (France) !

    The 260 m2 building had been bequeathed to Secours Catholique - Caritas France with a mission: to completely renovate it and turn it into a vacation home for disadvantaged people.

    With a team of volunteers and partners, Secours Catholique took up the challenge: on the three levels of the building, six independent units were fitted out, from individual studios to family accommodation. The complex can now accommodate up to 15 people on vacation!

    To support this fine project, we first set up a skills sponsorship scheme, providing technical advice on the most effective solutions best suited to the project.

    This was complemented by a donation of Atlantic brand appliances to equip the villa's six apartments: heat pumps, towel dryers, water heaters and ventilation systems. 

  • In June 2024, Chaleur Partagée was awarded the “Prix du Mécène 2024” by the Agence du Don en Nature. 

    The award was presented at a ceremony organized by the Agence du Don en Nature to reward our Endowment Fund for the record donation it had made to the association in November 2023: 2,300 radiators delivered to the association's warehouse-school for onward redistribution to associations. That's enough to equip almost 400 homes to combat fuel poverty in these areas!

  • Macmillan Support Cancer has become the official charity of our UK&ROI business unit: various fundraising events are organized across the three industrial sites and by the six brands of the Group to raise awareness among as many colleagues, families, and friends as possible, such as walks, running races, football championships, and more.

    Aligned with our goal of tackling the challenge of thermal comfort for all, Macmillan utilizes the funds raised to provide heating grants to help individuals with cancer heat their homes.

Beyond its philanthropic actions, GROUPE ATLANTIC is deeply attentive to international events and strives to contribute to humanitarian aid for populations in need. Thus, during the year 2022, we:

  • Donated €230K to assist Ukrainian populations (€102K from employees and €128K from the Group), and delivered 200 convector heaters from our Odessa site to the Ukrainian association "Fortechnyi" (Electricians of the World network).
  • Donated €85,700 to assist victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria (€35,700 from employees and €50K from the Group).
  • Extra-Financial Performance Statement, charters, labels... Discover our CSR documents!