Respect of human rights
Respect of human rights
Job creation
Job creation
Since its foundation in 1968, GROUPE ATLANTIC has continuously been a net creator of jobs, fulfilling one of the main societal roles of businesses.
In 13 years, the total number of employees has tripled, increasing from 4,200 people in 2010 to 13,000 in 2023.
Our ambition is to continue this growth and generate even more jobs, both in France and abroad!
Ensuring respect of human rights

In line with its mission and family values, GROUPE ATLANTIC has been promoting an eco-citizen approach for several years, which places equal emphasis on environmental preservation and people's well-being. Our policy is based on trustful relationships with all our partners: suppliers, customers, employees, etc.
Whether in environmental matters, health protection, safety, ethics, or respect for labor rights, GROUPE ATLANTIC always ensures the respect of the most fundamental rights, both in France and internationally.
We adhere to the legal rules of the countries where we operate, and aim to build a safe, secure, and respectful working environment for everyone.

Responsible purchasing charter
GROUPE ATLANTIC ensures the protection of health and safety, compliance with labor laws, and ethics by its suppliers or subcontractors. Non-compliance with labor laws by a supplier could lead to partial or complete delisting from the GROUPE ATLANTIC's panel of partners.
Our CSR documents
Our CSR documents
Extra-Financial Performance Statement, charters, labels... Discover our CSR documents!